If you could transform your downtown into a more vibrant district with a single strategy, which approach would you pick? The right answer for dozens of communities is...A Major Expansion of Higher Education. This blog post represents what I believe to be the largest single collection of downtown revitalization examples driven by the expansion of universities. Special … [Read More...]
I created urbanSCALE.com to help you make your community more vibrant. Why? Cities are the world’s greatest invention and want to share with you lots of ideas to make them better.

29 Ideas to Activate Empty Spaces in Your Community
Do you have empty spaces in your community? Do you have forgotten buildings and corridors in your city? Does your downtown have areas that are sorely … [Read More...]

The Metro Areas Rapidly Gaining (and losing) Residents, 2010 to 2015.
Earlier this year, the US Census Bureau released the population estimates for metro areas as of July 1, 2015. News outlets always pick up these data releases, but … [Read More...]

Top 10 Trends Impacting Downtown Revitalization
Are you interested in the latest trends impacting downtown revitalization? Is your community capitalizing on current opportunities to transform its urban core into a more vibrant place? ...Or is your community missing out on the wave of downtown … [Read More...]

The Top Party Cities in the US
The top party cities in the US are, in my opinion and not in order of priority: Austin Las Vegas Los Angeles Miami New Orleans New York I've been wanting to put this list out for debate for quite a while. I hope you enjoy it. And most of all, … [Read More...]

Urban Economic Development: Lessons from Detroit
Last month (Sept. 14-16, 2015), I attended the Inner City Economic Summit in Detroit with Jeff Marcell, Senior Partner from our firm’s Seattle office. We spent the first part of the week in Detroit, engaging with leaders from other urban markets and national … [Read More...]